Community Land Trust (CLT) is a social purpose real estate developer that helps to create permanently affordable housing solutions for people, with a focus on co-operative housing. Established by the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) in 2015, CLT is owned by BC’s cooperative housing sector and is a member of the CHF BC group of social enterprises, and shares CHF BC’s privacy policy.
CLT and CHF BC place high value on the privacy of our members and the partners we work with.
Why we collect personal information
CLT collects and keeps basic personal information so that we can manage, develop and strengthen our operations, including member services. As we learn about our members and partners’ needs and preferences, we can develop better ways to serve them.
In carrying out our purpose, CLT is committed to:
We would appreciate your consent to continue to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes identified above. But it is your choice. It is your information. You can refuse or withdraw your consent as follows:
In either case, this may limit our ability to serve you.
CLT consistently monitors the use of the information you provide, and your privacy.